Where Trust Meets


In the heart of every interaction lies the essence of trust.

Here at SoCogEx, we acknowledge the significance of human connections.

How we communicate, trust, and make decisions is inherently social. It's more than just the numbers; it's about understanding and leveraging these human interactions.

Unveiling the Social Numbers: The Magnitude

  • With over 4.72 billion active users globally in 2023, social media is more than just a platform; it's the new age town square[^1^].

  • Marketers recognize this value, with a staggering 93% using social media for their businesses[^2^].

  • While the global CTR for social media advertising stands at 1.21%, it’s the reach, with a CPM of 8.15 USD that tells a tale of widespread influence[^10^].

The Power of Word-of-Mouth

  • Word-of-mouth marketing is the unsung hero, driving a whopping $6 trillion in global spending annually, making up 13% of all sales[^3^].

  • The effectiveness? It's monumental. Word-of-mouth results in sales that are five times more than paid ads[^3^].

  • And if you’re still wondering about its influence, consider this: 74% of consumers say word-of-mouth is a prime influencer in their buying choices[^11^].

More Than Just Transactions: The Human Side

  • At its core, social interaction is vital for our mental health and well-being. Those who are socially connected report higher happiness, better health, and enjoy longer lives[^16^].

  • It's a two-sided coin though. Negative social interactions can lead to heightened risks of mental health issues, emphasizing the power and impact of our daily interactions[^16^].

Our Commitment at SoCogEx

Social media. Word-of-mouth marketing. Human connections. These are more than just buzzwords at SoCogEx. They form the backbone of our mission. In a rapidly digitising world, we’re making it our aim to keep the ‘human’ in the loop. It's about crafting solutions that not only utilise the best of tech but also honor the trust and intricate tapestry of human relations.

Any marketing campaign should start and end with the importance of social connection, understanding, and community.